Songs For Love It's been said that a Master like Meher Baba "makes even stones into great orators." Therefore, it's practically inevitable that after soaking up this Love in many forms, including that of songs to Meher Baba by many matchless, Love-besotted troubadors , one would at some point "reach boiling point" and break into song, oneself! This first happened to me in 1976 (see "Breaking into Song"). The song was "Stars in Your Eyes". Below you may hear that song, and many more that Meher Baba has inspired to bloom like flowering vines climbing around and through this lifetime loved and suffered through by His lover, Max. (Note: I've been re-recording these songs, beginning 2/06, because they were a "Stars in Your Eyes" "The Wake-Up Man" "My Impressions Have Fallen in Love with Yours" "Tread Lightly" "Baba, My Love" "Love's River" "Sweet Intoxication" "Twentieth Century Boy" "Bombay, Indiana " "This
Poet's Heart" "Lord
of the Dance" (new, Meher Baba
lyrics) I
intend to post some more songs soon "Mistrels
of His Love" essay new! Avatar Meher Baba (AMB) Online Radio!
Remains is the Essence", Please
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